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Collective Energy, Energy Clearing, Intuitive Messages, Oracle Shamanic Healing, Tarot Reading -

Death/Rebirth w/ Teaching As we move into our day on Saturday October 9, 2021, we are faced with an Ego death followed by a rebirthing of new thought patterns. The Death/Rebirth card indicates you are going through a massive transformation. With the Oracle card of Teaching, Source is encouraging you to release your attachments to the old energies that are no longer serving you in order to allow in a rebirth of higher vibrating experiences. The element of changing circumstances can be scary, however necessary for us to grow. This energy of transmutation and rebirth will bring in new understandings...

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Collective Energy, Energy Clearing, Intuitive Messages, Oracle Shamanic Healing, Tarot Reading -

Judgement w/ Duality The collective energy moving into Friday October 8, 2021, brings forth Self-realization and understanding of both the positive and negative aspects of our lives. In the recent past, you may have been feeling so lower vibrating energies wrapped around feeling judged or even judging others. The Judgement card brings an understanding that the only approval you really need is your own. With the Oracle card of duality, you are moving into a more dualistic way of approaching certain individuals and situations that come to manifestation today. Good vs. evil, happy vs. sad, want vs. don't want are...

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Collective Energy, Energy Clearing, Intuitive Messages, Oracle Shamanic Healing, Tarot Reading -

The Lovers & King of Cups w/ Teaching  The energy surrounding Thursday October, 7, 2021 places focus on the emotional love sector. I am picking up on a Masculine Energy who is coming to some clarity in regards to a decision in Love. The Lovers card represents a choice in allowing one's self to embrace a soul connection, whether it be with another person or within love for Self. Along with the King of Cups, Source is teaching us to find the sweet spot between  the empathic heart and intellectual mind. As we go through our journey in life, we...

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Collective Energy, Energy Clearing, Intuitive Messages, Oracle Shamanic Healing, Tarot Reading -

3 of Cups w/ Burden As we enter into our day on Wednesday October 6, 2021, we are faced with the return of past energies and perhaps even past Love interests. The 3 of cups highlights friendship, community and soul contracts. Paired with the Oracle Card of Burden, indicates a need to allow old energies, that are no longer serving you, to resurface in order to release the lower vibrating energies and allow space for a higher vibrating manifestation to enter in. These energies are tied to your relationships both new and old.  Through our best and worse times, the people...

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Collective Energy, Energy Clearing, Intuitive Messages, Oracle Shamanic Healing, Tarot Reading -

Two of Swords w/ Burden Today, August 26, 2021, marks a day of heaviness. You may be feeling as though you are stuck in the mud. The 2 of Swords represents a stalemate or crossroad. With the Oracle card of Burden, you may be feeling as though you are taking on too many burdens that belong to others instead of your own. Many times we take on the stress of those we care for as an ultimate sacrifice in order to save them the trouble or heartache of their current circumstances. However, doing so can serve as counterproductive energy. Not...

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