Daily Collective Energy Reading- October 9, 2021

Collective Energy, Energy Clearing, Intuitive Messages, Oracle Shamanic Healing, Tarot Reading -

Daily Collective Energy Reading- October 9, 2021

Death/Rebirth w/ Teaching

As we move into our day on Saturday October 9, 2021, we are faced with an Ego death followed by a rebirthing of new thought patterns. The Death/Rebirth card indicates you are going through a massive transformation. With the Oracle card of Teaching, Source is encouraging you to release your attachments to the old energies that are no longer serving you in order to allow in a rebirth of higher vibrating experiences. The element of changing circumstances can be scary, however necessary for us to grow.

This energy of transmutation and rebirth will bring in new understandings and experiences that will surprise and delight you with the expansion of your consciousness, moving you closer to your Divine Light. There is a cycle in your life, whether it be a relationship, career path, or outdated way of thinking, that is coming to an inevitable end. Spirit is teaching you to release any emotional attachments you have to the outcome of your circumstances.

We are being urged to release these energies in order to focus on the aspects of our lives that are gaining momentum. Even the smallest shift in thought processes can create great changes in your life. Welcome in the possibility of something new. Look for the magic that stretches beyond your newfound horizon, because underneath the uneasiness of change, holds the potential for exciting new opportunities!

As always, I wish you Love, Peace, and Happiness!

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Light Seer’s Tarot

Shamanic Healing Oracle

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