Daily Collective Energy Reading- August 26, 2021

Collective Energy, Energy Clearing, Intuitive Messages, Oracle Shamanic Healing, Tarot Reading -

Daily Collective Energy Reading- August 26, 2021

Two of Swords w/ Burden

Today, August 26, 2021, marks a day of heaviness. You may be feeling as though you are stuck in the mud. The 2 of Swords represents a stalemate or crossroad. With the Oracle card of Burden, you may be feeling as though you are taking on too many burdens that belong to others instead of your own. Many times we take on the stress of those we care for as an ultimate sacrifice in order to save them the trouble or heartache of their current circumstances. However, doing so can serve as counterproductive energy. Not only are you doing the individual a disservice by denying him/her the ability to learn and grow from his/her own personal lessons, you are also doing yourself a disservice by carrying a load that does not belong to you. 

Today Spirit is urging you to take a deeper look at your current environment. Are you taking on troubles and lessons not belonging to you out of the need to be needed? This could stem from a deep seeded fear that you are not enough. The Creator wants to ensure you that YOU ARE ENOUGH! The 2 of Swords is a gentle nudge to make a choice for you. Close your eyes and listen to your internal guidance. If it seems your intuition has fallen silent, it is because Source is urging you to trust yourself and your ability to discern and decide on the right path for yourself. 

Have faith that regardless of what path you choose to take, the Universe is serving you the absolute right experience. Overthinking will ultimately keep you buried in burden, so find peace in knowing you are always on your path and you cannot get it wrong. Spirit will ALWAYS redirect you to your Divine Purpose.


As always, I wish you Love, Peace, and Happiness!

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