Daily Collective Reading July 17, 2021

Collective Energy, Energy Clearing, Oracle Shamanic Healing, Tarot Reading -

Daily Collective Reading July 17, 2021

8 of Wands w/ Inner Journey and Anger

The energy surrounding Saturday, July 17, 2021 brings about fast moving communication. The 8 of Wands represents speed, travel and the need to make split-second decisions. Combined with the Oracle Healing of Inner Journey and Anger, it is likely you will encounter a situation which triggers underlying emotions of anger based off of fear. When these emotions arise, spirit is encouraging you to address the underlying fear that has brought about the emotion. Consider this an opportunity to redefine your desires with the understanding that you cannot identify what you want without knowing what you don't want.
Alternately, beware of someone's anger directed towards you. We are all on an Inner Journey of self discovery, with personal lessons to learn on our paths. If you are met with conflict from another, send yourself a gentle reminder that people are where they are on their individual paths. It is not your job to judge another's journey, nor your job to "fix" them! Meet everyone you encounter with where they are on their path. Never insist they come to where you are. By doing this, you will not only heal the fragmented aspects within yourself that you see in them, you will teach them how to heal those aspects within themselves.
I wish you many blessings as you experience this day.
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